"I don't know a single college graduate who doesn't regret their decision to pursue higher education."
Those were the sort of stories the JWs used to try and frighten the likes of me with when I was a teenager (that one and similar - like "you make more money doing unskilled work", "reading Awake for five years is the same as a university degree" etc). All I can say is what you just described has not been either my experience nor my observation.
Having worked at all levels (i.e. from a labourer up to Engineering Associate) alongside others who were degree qualified, I am under no illusions what I would be doing if I had my time over again:
- and that would be to start by entering into a Bachelor Course; as against trying to take it up in middle age or older.
PS: I do believe you are something of a bloody troll, coming out with remarks like that!